Introduction An Introduction to User Experience Image: O12 I imagine the scenario leading to your visit is that you likely have an interest in developing a website, but have little experience with doing so and are looking for a good place to start. If you have not really thought seriously about UX before, and are just need a concise introduction to the subject so that you are familiarized enough with it to be able to communicate effectively with your designer, then this rather brief series is for you. If you already have a well-developed idea of what you want, feel free to skip ahead; although, the since following posts were designed to be short and to-the-point reading through them should not be waste of your time, at least in terms of making sure you have given some consideration to all the basic aspects of design. We will be covering some of the most important topics for communicating your brand, such as user research, color and typography, and generally making your app easy to use. It will help get you thinking in the right direction so that if you contract a professional developer/designer you will already be a little ahead of the game and able to communicate your ideas more effectively. If you are just starting out in a venture where you are creating a brand, many of the elements discussed will be important first-steps for making sure that your application’s design conveys what you are all about more efficiently.