Lyrici Traide suggests a lyrical chord of three subjects that form an interleaving continuum, a resonant system whose constituents inform and inspire the other and are thus inseparable. The writings shared here should generally be classified as a collection of personal insights and experiences working with these three elements, and would also include that the writings will not be solely limited to these subjects, as they branch out into other subjects of interest. Recognizing that there is a large portion of this material that is classifiably speculative and somewhat subjective, it is the intent of the author to clearly demarcate the boundaries between statements of objective understanding and expressions of subjective speculation and personal insight. As such, this selection of articles varies and will continue to vary even more, involving subjects of personal research in the above mentioned fields, and recording of personal experimentation and the insights gained therefrom. The author will also include personal poetry, excerpts from selected readings of interest, and notes on developing compositional methodology. As a bi-product of an avid interest in the subject of music technology, this page will also include selected experiments involving the development of (mostly software) applications regarding this field.