Lyrici Triade
Music, Software, Philosophy
Parent Discipline: Technology
Quickstart From the AWS Console, navigate to EC2. Then you will go to Instances, and select Launch Instances. From the "Launch an Instance" screen, you will perform the following actions: Name the instance Select the Amazon Machine Image/OS (Default is AWS Linux) Select the Instance Type (t2.micro is the default general EC2 type and is free tier eligible) Read More >>
Continuing my recent dive into customizing and adding functionality to my series of custom taxonomies, I realized that I need to be able to access the edit page for editing these specific archive pages. Wordpress has a built-in function for accessing links to the post page, edit_post_link, but this does not work with taxonomy pages. Wordpress didn't initially Read More >>
One of the great benefits of the recent versions of Advanced Custom Fields is the versatility by which users can effortlessly generate custom post types and taxonomies. I have created a series of inter-related custom taxonomies in an effort to organize my thoughts and to create an ontological linking system throughout the site. Sort of a custom tool for cataloguing Read More >>