Lyrici Triade
Music, Software, Philosophy
Introduction Docker is a container management technology.Containers are discreet units of software.
Quickstart From the AWS Console, navigate to EC2. Then you will go to Instances, and select Launch Instances. From the "Launch an Instance" screen, you will perform the following actions: Name the instance Select the Amazon Machine Image/OS (Default is AWS Linux) Select the Instance Type (t2.micro is the default general EC2 type and is free tier eligible) Read More >>
One of the great benefits of the recent versions of Advanced Custom Fields is the versatility by which users can effortlessly generate custom post types and taxonomies. I have created a series of inter-related custom taxonomies in an effort to organize my thoughts and to create an ontological linking system throughout the site. Sort of a custom tool for cataloguing Read More >>
In Brief... This is the culmination of the design stage before investing in any solid development decisions. Gathering user feedback from this artifact will be essential for finalizing and assembling a full-scope requirements document and technical design decisions such as infrastructure and stack. If the idea is terrible and not well received, at least the development cycle can be avoided Read More >>
Planning the Foundations Image: Pete Linforth Understanding your target audience and why they should want to visit your site or use your app is essentially the most important element in considering an appropriate design. Understanding some of the basic principles underlying the psychology of your intended audience, such as why they are visiting your page, what problem do they intend Read More >>
Image courtesy of Geralt. “If you know your enemies and yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles… if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.” -Sun Tzu Introduction Information security is presently one of the most rapidly expanding fields in the realm of information technology due largely to Read More >>